About Us
We are a group of professional friends from different parts of the world. Our Deep Budget Sense & Deeper Cultural Sensitivities inspired us to start this tour company that would help people to travel around the world by overcoming the constraints of limited budgets and the burden of cultural differences. We are not just a tour company; we bring together people from different cultures to make lasting friendships. We bridge cultures within a budget.
B.U.D.G.E.T. Tours
For us B.U.D.G.E.T. means (Blissful Unexplored Destinations & Great Entertaining Travel). Budget Tour does not mean bad tour. The rates of our tour packages (or any tours customized to your wish) are very low compared to the quality you’ll get. We give you full value for your money.
Our representatives in the respective Asia-Pacific countries--Indonesia, Thailand, India, Cambodia, Japan, Australia, and China are not just partners but old friends as well. We know each other well enough to ensure you that every holiday with us means that you’re in the hands of a caring friend who is willing to risk their reputation (and friendship) by providing you the best services possible.
So you see we are no different from you. We are a group of people bound together by friendship and budgetary constraints. We arranged budget travels for each other when we traveled to each other’s country. And now we have turned it into a business.
Being interactive, Asia Budget Tours means that EVERYONE from ANYWHERE in the globe can buy ANY of the tour packages we offer. You can relax and travel in comfort and ease in ALL the countries of our networking. And believe us; we will keep ADDING our partner countries as time goes by.
Why don’t you join us?
You don’t have to be rich to travel. You don’t have to belong to any of the countries listed above.
If you match the above two then write to us at asiabudgettours@gmail.com or +6285961447677